Thursday, September 6, 2007

Week 9, Thing #22 Downloadable Audio Books

I thought I was familiar with Project Gutenberg! I did not realize that they had downloadable audio books and even a limited selection of digitized sheet music and downloadable sound music and spoken word recordings.


Anonymous said...

oops! even I too thought they are only offering normal paperback books.

Bellefontaine you can amass free audio books at

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It's true, you can download audio books, music, and videos. Some digital libraries require that you have the license to do so, others do not. On netlibrary you can create an account (free) and access the materials online, download to your computer, and open it through windows media player.

Here are famous books by Darwin, Newton and Shakespeare in audio format. Also discover the stories behind some well-known works, such as Marie Stopes’ Married Love, the original radical feminist Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Check out ”Audio Books”